Australia is bankrolling Australian companies to sell weapons.
Not in our name, Prime Minister... and the next Prime Minister too! Not in our name.
In January 2018, a decision to allocate $3.8bn to support manufacturers of military equipment to export their products through EFIC (Export Finance and Insurance Corporation) was made by the Government. Supported loan arrangements for so called "#DefenceExports".
Already one Australian Stock Exchange listed company, Electro Optic Systems, has received more than $30Million but that is just 1% of the total offered. Dozens more deals are being done.
Weapons technology including artificial intelligence is being subsidised by Australians and heading to Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Both are involved in extraordinary abuses in Yemen, currently the "worst humanitarian crisis in the world".
Tell our Prime Minister(s!) and the leader of the opposition, we are ashamed of their push to fund arms exporters. Tell them we think this adds to the dangers our children and grandchildren face.
Let's be like New Zealand and create a Ministry of Disarmament and Arms Control instead.
We call on the Australian government to cease the specific funding allocated to the export of military technology products: no special loans, subsidies or grants.
The Export Finance and Insurance Corporation [EFIC] must not be used for the export of military technology to countries that commit human rights abuse.
This contravenes the Arms Trade Treaty.
ABC: Australia's Secret Backing for Nations Fighting Bloody Yemen War
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